Restoration Design (Screw Vs. Cement Retention)
Fixed implant restorations can either be screw or cement retained (Fig. 8.1). Each design has its merits and drawbacks. Screw-retained restorations are retrievable. Retightening a loose abutment screw can therefore be performed easily. They do not depend on cement for retention. Therefore, the problem of removing excess cement does not exist. However, they require special technical skills and are usually more expensive than cement-retained restorations as they may require additional components and procedures.
The choice between screw and cement retention depends on many factors, including interocclusal distance, location of the screw access channel, esthetic demands, need for restoration retrievability, frequency of screw loosening, labora- tory efficiency, need for passivity of fit, combining natural tooth and implant sup- port, and finish line location.
It is important to mention that the choice between using a screw- or cement- retained restoration should be decided during the treatment plan phase and not after implant placement. Most of the factors of choice between both designs can be deter- mined during treatment planning. Therefore, the restoration design and means of retention are always predetermined, and the treatment plan and implant positioning and alignment are always geared toward achieving a predictable restoration.
Interocclusal Distance
The bond strength of cement retention depends on several factors, the most impor- tant being the surface area for cement bonding . The larger the surface of the abutment, the greater the bond strength between the abutment and restoration.
Location of the Screw Access Channel
Screw-retained restorations require a screw access channel that should be located on the palatal surface of anterior teeth (Fig. 8.4) and in the center of the occlusal sur- face of posterior teeth (Fig. 8.5) so as not to interfere with the esthetic and biome- chanical qualities of the restoration. Screw access channels are usually blocked with the composite resin of a similar shade to the restoration (Fig. 8.6).
However, the shade of the composite does not always match the shade of the restoration, especially if the restoration has a metal component, such as porcelain fused to metal. The shadow of the metal usually interferes with the esthetic qualities of the restoration (Fig. 8.7). Locating a screw access channel on an incisal edge or a functional cusp tip might weaken the restoration and therefore should be avoided (Fig. 8.8). This requires implants to be properly aligned during placement to ensure a favorable access hole location. An alternative would be to use angled screw- retained abutments or cement-retained restorations that do not have a screw access channel on the final restoration.
Locating the finish line in the desired position is achieved by first measuring the peri-implant soft tissue thickness from the implant platform to the free gingival margin, then selecting an abutment with a suitable collar height that can be shorter than the soft tissue thickness to position the finish line subgingivally or greater than the soft tissue thickness to position the finish line supragingivally. It is therefore important to give the soft tissue a chance to heal and stabilize after second-stage surgery to be able to properly locate the restoration finish line [21] (Fig. 8.16). Measuring peri-implant soft tissue thickness can be performed by using many instruments, the easiest of which is a plastic periodontal probe (Fig. 8.17).
Custom-made abutments can be constructed by using conventional techniques or CAD-CAM technology. They can have a custom-made emergence profile together with a finish line contour that matches the peri-implant soft tissue contour. A 1-mm subgingival finish line can be maintained all around the restoration margins, making excess cement removal feasible and predictable (Fig. 8.21).
Prosthetic Materials and Their Relation to Peri-implant Soft Tissue Health
The increasing demand for esthetic restorations has triggered the advancement and improvement of tooth-colored materials to match the high biomechanical and esthetic expectations. Tooth-colored materials are usually nonmetallic, either ceramic based or polymer based. However, metals are still being used with specific indications mainly related to their biomechanical superiority. Commonly used materials include metals such as gold, titanium, and cobalt chromium. Nonmetallic materials include ceramics, zirconia, resin nano ceramics, and BioHPP. Acrylics can also be used, however, mainly as temporary restorative materials.
Implant restorations can be constructed by using conventional techniques or CAD-CAM technology that is taking over prosthodontics to a new dimension. All prosthetic materials are currently being produced for CAD-CAM fabrication, which has improved the accuracy and reduced the time needed for prosthesis construction. Improving the accuracy involves reducing the micro gap between prosthetic compo- nents that in turn improves the peri-implant soft tissue health and reduces complications.
Many studies were conducted to evaluate the peri-implant soft tissue response to different prosthetic materials . Brunot-Gohin et al investigated soft tissue response to lithium disilicate with three different surface treatments: raw surface treatment, hand-polished surface treatment, and glazed surface treatment. Lithium disilicate polished ceramic provided better adhesion and proliferation than lithium disilicate glazed ceramic (Fig. 8.23). Van Brakel et al compared the peri- implant soft tissue response to titanium versus zirconia abutments. No differences in soft tissue health were seen in peri-implant mucosa adjacent to zirconia and tita- nium abutment surfaces. Similar results were demonstrated in an animal study by Blanco et al, where peri-implant soft tissue response to implant abutments made of zirconia and titanium was similar after 9 months of healing.
Restorations performed by using CAD-CAM technology are machine depen- dent, eliminating the personal variation associated with dental technicians. Restoration margins and passivity are therefore more predictable with their positive impact on peri-implant soft and hard tissues [33, 36] (Fig. 8.25a,b).
Anodic Oxidation of Titanium Abutments
Titanium abutments have been used successfully over dental implants for many years. Peri-implant soft tissue response to polished titanium abutment collars has shown favorable results [37]. Their main drawback is their unesthetic color espe- cially when used in the esthetic zone in cases with thin gingival biotype. Several attempts have been made to change the abutment color by using different materials and coatings. Gold, metal-ceramic, nitride-treated titanium, composite resin-coated titanium, thermal oxidation, chemical oxidation, and anodic-oxidized titanium have been used to mask the unesthetic grayish abutment color, especially the abutment collar [26, 38–43] (Fig. 8.26).
Anodic oxidation is a surface modification technique for changing the abutment color. Titanium is spontaneously coated with an oxide surface layer as soon as it is exposed to atmospheric air. Anodic oxidation promotes the production of a thick oxide surface layer based on the voltage used. Specific colors can be produced by controlling the variation in oxide layer thickness that interacts differently with light. Studies have been conducted to evaluate the esthetic outcome of anodically oxi- dizing titanium abutment collars. Pink collars have been shown to improve gingival esthetics by masking the grayish titanium color (Fig. 8.27a,b). In addition, anodic oxidation alters the surface characteristics of titanium. Increasing the thickness of the surface oxide layer has also been reported to improve its surface hardness and corrosion resistance.
In an in vitro study, Wang et al reported that anodization increased the grain formation, surface roughness, and hydrophilicity of titanium. Although smooth machined titanium surfaces have been recommended for their improved soft tissue response, a degree of roughness is desirable. While the optimal degree of roughness is unclear, the proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts, their viability, and cell morphology have been reported to be similar on anodized and unanodized surfaces. In a split-mouth study, Farrag and Khamis [44] investigated the effect of anodized titanium on peri-implant soft tissue health and esthetics. Pink anodized titanium abutment collars did not produce a clinically significant effect on the health of peri- implant soft tissues. Anodic oxidation of titanium abutment collars is therefore an effective method to mask their grayish unesthetic color, especially in cases with thin gingival biotypes, without clinically compromising peri-implant soft tissues.
Prosthetic Complications with a Biological Impact
Achieving patient satisfaction is always the ultimate goal. However, complications and even implant failure are possible. Implant failure is not something that happens overnight. Failure is usually preceded by a complication that, if not recognized and properly handled, will eventually propagate to failure.
Complications can happen in every step of implant treatment if the procedure is not performed in a correct manner. Problems can result from improper patient selec- tion, which involves prosthetic and surgical considerations, psychological evalua- tion, and even financial considerations. Complications can occur during implant placement, during the healing period, during the prosthetic procedures, and later on after months and years of use. They can also be related to the soft tissue, bone, or the prosthesis itself.
Prosthetic complications with a biological impact on peri-implant bone and soft tissue include restorations with open contacts or margins, improper occlusion, can- tilevers that are too long, screw loosening, non-passive restorations, and connecting implants to natural teeth.
Restorations with open contacts result in food impaction, causing peri-implant soft tissue inflammation known as peri-implant mucositis. If not properly treated, it can propagate to peri-implantitis (Fig. 8.28a–c). Restorations with open margins or micro gaps at the implant abutment or abutment restoration interfaces can also harbor food and bacteria, resulting in soft tissue problems and later on bone loss, especially if the restoration margins or micro gaps are subgingival (Fig. 8.29). Restorations that are not passive, or those with too long cantilevers, or improper occlusion in the form of high points, deflective occlusal contacts, or restorations with sharp cusps can cause undue stress transmitted to the bone, causing bone resorption that is usually associated with implant surface exposure causing soft tis- sue problems (Fig. 8.30a,b).
Abutment screw loosening is a frequent complication. Reasons include improper screw torquing according to the manufacturer’s instructions, non-passive restora- tions, improper occlusion, and inaccurate fit between implant components [2]. Screw loosening is associated with biomechanical problems together with micro gaps causing food accumulation that ends up with soft tissue problems [50]. Restoration and abutment micro movement and later on macro movement can also cause mechanical irritation to peri-implant soft tissues with resultant problems (Fig. 8.31).
Connecting implants to natural teeth is a debatable issue. Movement of natural teeth due to the compressibility of the periodontal ligament results in undue stresses transmitted to implants, causing peri-implant bone loss and later on soft tissue prob- lems (Figs. 8.32,8.33). Most of the studies advocate not connecting implants to natural teeth except in very limited conditions when it is absolutely necessary to avoid biomechanical and biological problems.
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